Updating the CoopDC Directory

Finally, we are updating the CoopDC Directory and webpage a bit. Wherever there is an *, you will find a history of that cooperative. If you would like to write a history, let us know (johanna.bockman@gmail.com). Or add to these histories. Here are the ones we have so far:

*Community Based Buying Clubs Inc. (CBBC Inc.) (1980-1994, founder Senghor Jawara Baye)

*Shepherd Street Collective Buying Club

*Sure Savings Collective Buying Clubs (SSCBC) (1980-1994, founder Senghor Jawara Baye)

*Washington Cooperative Bookshop (registered July 7, 1938)

*Women’s Community Bakery Collective, 1976-1992 (Capitol Hill)

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