DC Cooperative Stakeholders group

We would like to thank the people behind CoopDC.org and especially Johanna Bockman who has been editing this site and who made it possible for the Stakeholders Group to join the website. We look forward to helping to connect our newly formed, and yet still informal, community of DC area co-operators with those already using CoopDC.org.

~ Rodney North

The mission of the DC Cooperative Stakeholders Group (The short version)

We aim to create a nurturing co-op eco-system in the District that supports the vitality and growth of all types of existing co-ops and the successful launch of new co-ops.  We prioritize co-op opportunities within communities who traditionally have been economically and politically marginalized. We seek to weave a strong web of supportive relationships amongst all stakeholders, including every type of cooperative, supporting institutions and the city government. We aspire to create the first co-op business development center focused specifically on opportunities within the District of Columbia.

 Who we are

We are a volunteer group of citizens, community leaders, business people, non-profits, and local government officials who have decided to come together in response to an invitation by the Office of Innovation & Equitable Development, a part of the DC government’s Department of Small & Local Business Development. Any person, business, or organization is welcome to participate in our activities.